Storyteller, Speaker, Activist
“Betty Winston Bayé is one of America’s hidden gems. Her ability to communicate all that she has seen and heard into captivating, relevant morsels of nourishment for the mind and soul is second to none.”
-Sadiqa Reynolds

The Book of David
“My God, how I loved that man; how I loved the people of our old hood; and how I love the music that made us dance and that sustained us as David journeyed to his death.”
Book Reviews
Blog Posts
I’M JUST SAYING. . .The Wolf in the White House and His Unholy Pack
Having Donald Trump as a leader is akin to being raised by a wolf. Tweeting is Trump’s howls to his pack, the true believers who picnic in a rain storm because the Wolf man, dry and comfortable inside his gilded mansion, insists that the sun is shining. Trump is the Alpha male of the wolf […]
I’M JUST SAYING. . . John Kelly Is Flea Bitten Too
My nephew was 8 when his Dad was killed in Iraq in 2005. I’m not sure that qualifies me, a great aunt, as a member of a Gold Star family, but I can identify with the pain of losing a loved one in combat. This brings me to the recent uproar that has pitted the […]
I went to the mall recently looking to buy a white blouse. I didn’t find what I wanted at Macy’s so I went next door to the New York & Co store. There were plenty of white blouses, but none that screamed take me home. My eyes eventually rested on the cutest magenta colored, sleeveless […]